Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Non-Holiday Weekend

Brought the board to work on Friday to explore some trails along Salt Lake's east bench. Brought a coworker just in case a mountain lion attacked us. It's a good safe rule to live by, to always have someone that the animal would be more interested in eating than yourself.

On Saturday I took the fatties to see the Monsters University. They loved it. And they loved the cookies, fruit snacks, red vines and graham crackers I brought. And the popcorn and soda too. It's amazing they have time to watch the movie with all the food they're shoving in their faces. I learned movie-eating from my mother and I'm trying to pass it down to them.

Reggie wouldn't pose with us cuz he's excited for the new airplane/cars movie poster more than he is being part of our family. Looks like we're headed back to counseling.

After the movie, Brad and Jami had us down for swimming and a BBQ. The weather was perfect, the food was great and I think Reggie's pose in their pool summed up pretty much everything else.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My Office Space

People have long wondered about my job(s). I don't ever really explain what I do. Who I work for. How I got into this. It's my Clark Kent approach to life maybe. You never hear Superman, in the middle of a rescue or a fight, explain a piece he has been working on for the Daily Planet. It just doesn't happen. And yet Perry White can only describe him as a great writer. When I go to work the glasses go on and what I actually do there is so ... well it just has nothing to do with what I really do other than it funds it. But if it helps any, here is a picture of the white board at my desk. Busy, busy.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Summer Starts

I hate kids. I hate neighbors. I hate my neighbors. I hate my neighbors' kids. So what better way to keep an eye on all of them, than to go buy a 10'x25' tarp, soak it with the sprinklers, and slip and slide on it in the front yard with all of them? Ha! Tirck question. There is NO better way to keep an eye on them and so that's exactly what I do. By the way, just kidding about all the hate. By my count I think we hit close to 30 people hanging out and playing in the front yard on day 1 of Davey's Super Summer Splash Spectacular. Not bad for not handing out invitations. I figure setting up the tarp is a good enough sign that the fun is on. And you're all welcome to come as long as you remember the most important part is that I am having fun.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cuz I'm That Awesome

As you know, today is the day where I get to remind my kids that they have the third best dad on the planet. I'm sure I'd be higher up on the list if I just weren't so darn humble about it. Adelaide even made a list about me in church today. I thought I would share it. She got my stats right (age, hair, eyes, food). But you will notice when it says "I am smart and I know" she wrote nothing. Blank. Nada. That's ok. If she always knew what I knew she could outsmart me more easily. So I keep that information from her. But she did get it right when asked what I always tell her. "He loves me". And of course she mentions that I am her best dad ... EVER. Which, pretty much, I am, and humble too.
 Here is an actual photo of Addie and me.
Here is a futuristic representation drawn by Adelaide of her baptismal day. Notice the look of shock and awe on my face.
 And here is Reggie's artistic interpretation of my fathering ability.
 Thanks kids. Happy F Day to me!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Concoction

Reggie loves drinking my soda.
But I think his favorite part is that it makes me laugh.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Packing Essentials

We went to Idaho for the weekend to see the Littles' cousin Robert get baptized. Of course I let Adelaide pack her own bag. Just before leaving I did my usual, double-check-and-make-sure-she's-not-just-bringing-dolls check. And what I found inside was a glimpse into what she sees as important. And that's when my eyes blurred and my throat started to close a little. A normal person would suggest I got choked up but I know it's also allergy season.
You should see it in the top left corner. On top of her clothes and mixed in between her shoes and flip flops. Addie's picture of Captain. She so loved that dumb dog. So did I.

Friday, June 7, 2013


Apparently, my fathering skills are leading my kids to the career path of Piracy.
Here's the Dude practicing seeing out of just one eye. You never know when that fateful day will come in a pirate's laugh where he climbs to top of the crow's nest to take his spot as the lookout. And as he raises the eyeglass to his best eye (the right one of course) he doesn't realize that his friends have played the old "dagger in the telescope" trick and bam!, you've only got one eye now. Very sad.

And when Bubble Toes wants a tattoo from the the old man, what does she ask for? The ever popular among young girls ages 5 to 9, a skull and crossbones.


Another day, another photo bomb! These kids are too easy.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Hard Knocks of Summer Life

With the Jorgensens out of town this week I've had to call on some help to watch the Littles during the day. And of course, Aunt Brittany and Grandma have answered the call. And I know that's just fine with Addie and Reggie. In fact I'm pretty sure my two kids would possibly plot to have me eliminated if they knew for sure that Aunt Brittany and Grandma would be in charge of raising them. And so now you know why I keep my last will and testament private.
So now their days are filled with hide and go seek, cookies for lunch, tons of attention, and plenty of fun. Today I picked the Littles up from the pool at Grandma and Pa's house. I couldn't resist. Pick up time became an extra two hours at the pool capped off with Wendy's nuggets and frosties.
Synchronized swimming with cousin Gracie.

Playing Rocket Ship with the Dude.

Hot Dude-potato with Pa.

I need to build a pool in the backyard.

You know the kids are having fun when it's 6:45, they're fed, changed, and asleep in their beds. Thanks Grandma and Aunt Brittany!

And who can resist a good photo bomb opportunity? Burn!

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Third Hardest 16 Miles

Loaded the kids onto the contraption today. The Dude took the seat up front by me and Bubble Toes rode on the tag-a-long in the rear. And with an unrealistic view on my physical prowess and ability to haul these two around, we set off. It's amazing how long these two will ride with me for the simple promise of a snow cone. Cashing in on their willingness to tolerate my need for a workout (or a whooping depending on my point of view of exercise), we went from our house all the way to Bridal Veil Falls. We got a chance to play in the pools of water at the bottom before we loaded back up and went to the splash pads at the Riverwoods Mall. After a nasty "real fruit" snowcone and many apologies from me for the disappointing treat, we headed back home where I rewarded them with vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup. And now, after 16 miles of dragging the extra 100+ pounds of children and accessories through what feels like deep pits of sand, I remember why God invented cars.

Singing along with her Ipod.

Lazy kid doesn't even pedal. He just talks.

At Bridal Veil Falls and still happy.

Bubble Toes took this picture of the falls.

The Little Things

Two weeks ago we sang the dreaded hymn to close sacrament meeting. Its the hymn that makes little brother Gary call me and express his desire to be and to have been a better brother. I'm always perplexed by his phone call, because according to Mom, I ruined Gary. Anyway, once the third verse came, I had to set the book down and drop Reggie from my lap. Especially since Gibbs and Bridgette had those twins, I have felt a super urge to see my brother. Maybe I just want to ruin his kids. Maybe it reminds me of those days long since gone. Maybe I just miss my little brother. Either way I suffered through the hymn and composed myself just in time for prayer. Not more than a few days later Gary calls me. He had business to do in Washington state. And it turned out, his connecting flight from Maine through Detroit stopped in SLC. Sometimes its those little things that you need to keep you going. So after a struggle with TSA, some loopholes in security, and some flattery to some unattractive workers, I got through to see him. And what does he do? Squats down just enough in our photo to make it look like I'm taller. Such a good little brother.

Towel Heads

Their favorite part of their bath is getting wrapped up in towels when its all over and heading into their room to watch a DVD while they get ready for bed. Lately it's Wreck It Ralph. OK, really I have nothing to say, it's just that this picture cracks me up for some reason.

Here they are at movie night with the girls.