Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Sometimes people have told me I write about my long board way too often. But only sometimes. Is it my fault that my best friend is a 46" piece of bamboo covered in grip tape and screwed to four wheels? Possibly. And is it my fault that everyone else is usually busy and she's ready at a moment's notice? Possibly. But I don't sew or knit, I don't have a good book right now to read, I lost Captain two summers ago, Adam is out of town, everyone else has family events going on, and I haven't been able to get a hold of Kip. So now who's to blame?! That's right. Canada.
Anyway, I grabbed Mr. Shupe again yesterday and we took our boards up Provo Canyon. Due to the holiday traffic we actually rode our boards up AND down which was (hopefully) a good workout for my extremly tired and strained back. When we hit our high point on the trail everything changed. Some kid went zooming downhill on a board that didn't match its wheels. The wheels were yellow and the board had the light and dark woodie design. Ah!!!! My board!!!! Kate III!!!! I screamed to Ryan that that punk had my board. Suddenly I found myself turned around on the trail, kneeling down in the attack position on my board, chasing down the little thief. It was like Kate IV knew what I wanted cuz we were flying. Passing the bikers, walkers and avoiding the dogs (not all on leashes mind you), I caught up to the culprit and stopped him. And then! . . . I apologized as I immediately recognized that he was not riding on my stolen board. Oh well. Stupid Canada!
The only reason I am posting this story is because last night, the only dream I remember having, was about me finding the person who stole my board. So if you don't hear from me for a while, it's because I think it may be time for me to go to rehab...

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