Monday, September 30, 2013

Dreaming Dodger Blue

I was recently invited on a roadtrip.
I don't normally turn down roadtrips.
Especially when it involves good friends, many miles, strange coincidences, the opportunity of a lifetime, southern California, and Dodger baseball. So I accepted.
Brad rented the car.
Christian picked the eats.
And I slept.
We took in the first game from the left field side. Christian and I enjoyed the Dodgers' victory over Brad's Red Sox and we even stayed for the fireworks show.
After the game they were also letting fans onto the field. We rushed down to the field level to get our chance to be on the grass where champions have played. But they only let so many fans onto the field before they shut it back down. And according to this girl, who worked field supervision, we didn't make the cut.
After waiting 20 or 30 minutes and trying three other security guards we finally found the one guy that would let us onto the field. So yes, I have run the outfield grounds of Dodger Stadium. The fields that hosted World Series games of the 60s, 70s, 80s and this year (fingers crossed).
I was then escorted off the field by security. A dream come true.
The next day wasn't as important. Heck we even let the Red Sox win.
But I did find my new favorite shirt.


1 comment:

  1. I was waiting for you to post about your trip. (what about the rest of it)
