Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Year's End

So how did the last 2 months of 2013 go? I have some answers.
It all started with the Holiday of Holidays. Yup. Halloween.
There's just something so magical about dressing in disguise and begging door to door.
I always try to think of what life lessons I can teach using Halloween.
So far, the only one I can think of is Halloween is the best. Bam! Life lesson learned.
With Bubble Toes' obsession with all things China, and Reggie's obsession with doing whatever I tell him to do, here are their costumes.
 Two days later, was officially Adelaide's baptism.
I was running around so crazy that day, I wish I had taken more pictures.
And remembered a towel.
Kneeling down and hugging her real tight after she came up out of the water was a highlight for me.
 Tried teaching the kids tennis again this Fall.
One year we are going to have to get more serious about this.
Maybe we'll play on pavement next time too.
 Adelaide is doing great in the 2nd grade.
I went to her "Read with Me" day at school.
She has become such a good reader.
 Reggie on the other hand is really dragging out his physical therapy
from his broken leg two and a half years ago. 
 He's even tried his hand at puzzles.
 Adelaide is losing teeth so fast I'm amazed her tooth fairy (Bright Eyes) can keep up!
 Every now and then I still get to take the kids to Idaho to visit my parents.
I can't help but feel like they're a good influence on them.
 See how Reggie shows Pa the proper way to blow debris off the driveway?
 Of course, there are also some sad times. Here the Dude was just not feeling it.
It wasn't so bad I guess. I got a day off work to stay home and watch him.
 Doing all our laundry these years has taught me something.
Like I'm missing eleven matching socks.
 Sometimes I just love that these two are best of friends.
And sometimes I wish we had a third fireman's hat and fire truck to play with...
 As Christmas approached the Littles were pleasantly surprised by a visit from the fatman.
Reggie wanted trucks, but it sounded like Adelaide wanted Captain America back.
It turns out she DID get a nice book of photos and memories of the old dog.
Nice one Santa.
 Then Santa upped his game and Christmas-bombed the kids' room.
There were lights, full stockings and plenty of presents.
The Dude's Ninja Turtle collection grew.
Some new vehicles and forts.
But his favorite just may have been his very own "pack-pack".
He fills it nearly every day and loves bringing it on all trips in the car.
He can even "zip it down" all by himself.
 Beside her new dolls, movie, video game and clothes,
Bubble Toes finally got her very own jewelry box,
which is good considering all the necklaces and bracelets she's starting to accumulate.
I just love hearing their screams as they tear through the
perfectly wrapped gifts (ahem) in anticipation of the new delights.
Christmas just might be even more fun now as a parent.
 After ripping through presents we whirlwinded our way back to Idaho.
With a little more snow on the ground we were able to hit the slops with our sleds.
 Reggie now calls Idaho, "Gwampa's Houth".
The Dude totally loves The Old Dude.
 And I just can't get enough of her smile.
It just makes my world shine so bright when I see this girl happy.
 With our celebrity lifestyle it's good to know we can still make time to dress it up for church.
That's right. This was The Dude's last Sunday before leaving Nursery for Sunbeams.
 To celebrate his graduation I bought him a new truck.
 And here's one for the old journal.
One of The Dude's best friends in the house was only 2 months old when she moved in.
Along with her big sis Ana, these three bring a lot of laughs into our home.


  1. i love how you announced it! That's perfect.
    Thanks for the update. Let's not take that long next time! Cause I know you have so much time on your hands.

  2. Killer Halloween costumes. What was Mom saying when she posed with the kids for that picture? You could write some pretty funny captions for that one.
