Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cuz I'm That Awesome

As you know, today is the day where I get to remind my kids that they have the third best dad on the planet. I'm sure I'd be higher up on the list if I just weren't so darn humble about it. Adelaide even made a list about me in church today. I thought I would share it. She got my stats right (age, hair, eyes, food). But you will notice when it says "I am smart and I know" she wrote nothing. Blank. Nada. That's ok. If she always knew what I knew she could outsmart me more easily. So I keep that information from her. But she did get it right when asked what I always tell her. "He loves me". And of course she mentions that I am her best dad ... EVER. Which, pretty much, I am, and humble too.
 Here is an actual photo of Addie and me.
Here is a futuristic representation drawn by Adelaide of her baptismal day. Notice the look of shock and awe on my face.
 And here is Reggie's artistic interpretation of my fathering ability.
 Thanks kids. Happy F Day to me!

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